The company “Veyna” introduced not only infill panels but also overlay ones to meet the expectations of the demanding door filling market. The offer refers to the following series: Eco- nomic-Line (Alu), New-Line (Alu), New-Li- ne EK (ALU), Extra-Line (ALU), Fashion-Li- ne (ALU). The models of Classic-Line and Top – Line are just proposed with one side overlay and with thickness 24, 36 and 44mm. Overlays without any patterns so called “sandwich” can also be produced. The doors with an overlay are not only aesthetic (frame of the sash door is invisible) but also have a modern look. With all confidence we can say that we have the best prices on the polish market. Thickness of overlay panels is adapted to the most popular profil systems as:ALUPROF, ALIPLAST, PONZIO, ALURON, YAWAL, BLYWEERT-SO EASY, REYNAERS, SCHÜCO, HEROAL, CORTIZO.

The company “Veyna” introduced not only infill panels but also over- lay ones to meet the expectations of the demanding door filling market. The offer refers to following series: Eco- nomic-Line (Alu), New-Line (Alu), New-Li- ne EK (ALU), Extra-Line (ALU), Fashion-Li- ne (ALU). The models of Classic-Line and Top – Line are just proposed with one side overlay and with thickness 24, 36 and 44mm. Overlays without any patterns so called “sandwich” can also be produced. The doors with an overlay are aesthetic (frame of the sash door is invisible) and modern. With all confidence we can say that we have the best prices on the po- lish market. Thickness of overlay panels is adapted to the most popular profil sys- tem as:ALUPROF, ALIPLAST, PONZIO, ALURON, YAWAL, BLYWEERT-SO EASY, REYNAERS, SCHÜCO, HEROAL, CORTIZO.